SFWJPG - Seattle Filmworks to JPG conversion (Windows)
SFWJPG - Convert Seattle Filmworks .SFW files to .JPG.
SFWJPG is a Win32 port of the UNIX hosted application written by Everett Lipman.
It may be used freely according to the GNU General Public License.
The first ZIP file below holds the Windows executable stored inside
a ZIP and the second zip file holds the source code.
Update history:
- Sep 2024 - Fix for failure to set EXIF data on
files beyond first file, when process multiple files (wildcards) of SFW
94A format.
- Mar 2024 - Fix failure to convert a subset of SFW
94A files, those which do not include date of develop information at
offset 0x80 in the source SFW file.
- Jan 2024 - Restrict setting of EXIF Header
Date/Time to only Seattle Filmworks "94A" file. This restores the ability to successfully convert Overlake Photos
PIC files and stops the setting of 1970 as date into 93A format files.
Changed code to not produce a full JFIF set of headers, instead copy
what is in the SFW base, adding in the Date/Time information at the
proper time and copying all the existing JFIF blocks without
- Jan 2023 - Build and set EXIF Header based upon
the date of film develop stored inside the SFW file. Stores
DateTimeModified, DateTimeOriginal and DateTimeDigitized. Note that
this broke PIC file conversion and resulted in 93A format Seattle
Filmworks files having a date of 1970.
- November 2021 - SFWJPG will also convert Konica Quality Photo
(.KQP) Files to JPG. No update to SFW required, just run it against KQP
files instead of the normal .sfw.
Sep 2016 - Added support for Overlake Photo Express .PIC files. Thanks
extended here to Ted Leverette for providing sample .PIC content and to
Richard Jones for helping me discect the file format.
- Apr 2016 - Added support for Seattle Filmworks
SFW 93A format. Thanks extended here to Helmut Jurgensen for
providing sample 93A content and to Richard Jones for a great write-up on SFW file formats and the differences
of 93A vs. 94A.
Jan 2016 - Correct 180 degree rotation and left right mirroring
Oct 2011 - Add Wildcard support
Aug 2002 - Create Windows utility based on Everett Lipman's UNIX implementation
Retain your source images
The history above says retain your source SFW images. Beyond
roll number not yet being exploited, I don't know what other jewels may be present, but history
has shown that they do surface from time to time. There are about 200 bytes of gibberish at the head of the SFW
file that I do not yet know what is stored.
Execution requirements:
Program requires Windows version Vista or beyond (e.g. Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11).
Support for Windows XP was lost in the 2016 update to unmirror.
Frequently asked questions
After downloading and executing the program, all I see is a flash
SFWJPG is a command line executable.
If you run it
from graphical user interface, the program will launch, display help
text and then terminate and from a graphical user interface, this will
appear as a flash.
The program should be run from a command line. (WindowButton-R) then "cmd" <enter>.
Execute sfwjpg program from command line with no parameters to get information on required parameters.
This question comes up often, I have created a video to show the process.
Here's the video, link to video mp4.
Could I create a GUI version? Yes! But it hasn't
happened in the first 21 years, so this will likely not change.
- How do I convert many files at once?
To convert many files, place all .SFW files into a single directory.
For example a SFW folder under "Pictures".
Using command prompt, change directory (CD) to the directory that holds pictures, then "SFWJPG *.SFW".
The program will create a .JPG for each SFW file that is processed and place that JPG in the same directory.
See the video above for example.
Comments and feedback, email to "joe" at this domain.
Joe Nord