Month: June 2021

Android apps on Windows Phone is like Windows on OS/2

Steve Ballmer is paraphrased in this ZDNet article saying “the company needs to ensure Windows Phone handsets can run Android apps”.  For a guy who spent more than 5 years writing system code for OS/2, the parallels to WinOS2 are pretty interesting.   Here’s the lesson: The operating system must stand on its own, or your just postpone […]

Spelling “lave” backwards is “eval”

Originally published Dec 24 2014 Found an unusual PHP file hiding in the root directory of my personal website, “s-g.txt”.  The file contains PHP code and last line contains “lave” which for some reason, the human brain quickly converts into “eval” and that’s suspicious, so it’s time to tear this apart.  Note: Despite my attempts to post the […]